About Dodge Roll

We make video games with dodge rolls. Enter the Gungeon was our first, then Exit the Gungeon with Singlecore, and soon House of the Gundead with Griffin Aerotech.


House of the GundeadEnter the GungeonExit the Gungeon



House of the Gundead

Official Website

In [YEAR] Dodge Roll is bringing the Gungeonverse into our mortal realm with a classic arcade adventure, Enter the Gungeon: House of the Gundead. Created with Devolver Digital and arcade developers at Griffin Aerotech, House of the Gundead is a stand-up arcade cabinet with 43" LCD monitor ready for public arcades, bars and home collections.

One or two players can pick up a lightgun and blast their way through the helldungeon protected by the dangerously adorable Cult of the Gundead. The game is a first-person shooter where you navigate ever-evolving floor levels to unlock new weapons, find hidden secrets, and dodge roll around the oncoming fire of the legendary guardians of the Gungeon.

Official Website